SPS Commerce REST API Standards Now Open Source

The SPS Commerce Tech Team has been working tirelessly over the past few years in curating a single set of technology best practices that we call Guardrails. These Guardrails are the culmination of years of experience from our engineering teams in designing, building, implementing, deploying, and operating best-of-breed software on the world’s largest retail network. These Guardrails consist of high-level technology decisions such as Language and Framework selection or DevOps Practices and drive all the way into expectations around Secret Management and Environments. As you would imagine, it’s not easy to aggregate the knowledge and water-cooler discussions from hundreds of engineers across multiple continents. The most important aspect of that is achieving singular alignment and agreement of approaches that can be codified into SPS’ internal engineering platform we call Atlas, which is where SPS Commerce is building its next-generation API Platform. On top of both of these initiatives has been the foundational requirement to pursue and dive head-first into API-First culture and align SPS Product, Technology, Processes, and People with clear API Standards and Guidelines for approaching REST-style APIs. SPS Commerce’s first iteration of REST API Standards (also known as a design guide or style guide) is now available publicly and open source.

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