Happiest Hour with Jade Denson

This week at SPS we are preparing for our “Happiest Hour with Jade Denson” co-hosted by the Black Business Resource Group and Women in Tech, two groups working to increase awareness and conversation related to diversity and inclusion. Jade Denson, VP of Talent Initiatives with MNTech will share how she is not only blazing a path for herself as a leader in technology but insights into what led to her current position, along with roadblocks and adversities she met (and fearlessly conquered) along the way.

The Happiest Hour is an employee-led virtual gathering that has been in place since summer 2020. This event gives employees a chance to gather and learn from shared experiences in our efforts toward dismantling systemic racism.

The Black Business Resource Group (BBRG) of SPS, founded in 2020, is working in unison to identify, develop, and promote a working environment at SPS Commerce for Black employees that is equitable, fosters diversity, educates, and endorses inclusion. The BBRG aspires to contribute to the creation of a workplace environment at SPS Commerce that accepts, values, and appreciates the common humanity of Black employees, incorporating them into every facet of the company, while understanding and respecting that multiple backgrounds and experiences are the cornerstone of professional excellence and business success.

Women in Tech (WiT) at SPS works to inspire, encourage, and support the future of womxn in technology, both at SPS and in our greater communities. WiT’s vision is to connect women/non-binary folks and employees of SPS Commerce in order to build an inclusive community of support, foster development, and provide an open platform to share talents, experiences, and insights.

SPS Technology @spstech