How Has Your Team Approached Remote Work?

Pencils in a Cup

How has your team approached remote work? How have you approached remote work? I’d be curious to learn more about how folks are managing these challenging times, now that we are a few months in.

My team has been handling it very well. We’ve welcomed a new engineer and intern, both who are learning and growing just as we’d expect in the office. The team has managed to stay connecting through:

  1. All-day Zoom hangout room. It’s not always used, but if somebody needs a break, it is handy.
  2. More code-pairing and even some mobbing.
  3. Our team lead has started to hold office hours to make provide the team a known time to do drive-bys.
  4. Continuing of old traditions - the Monitor team was a big fan of board gaming over lunch. They’ve managed to keep that going with online resources.

Personally, I feel that I am enjoying remote work a lot more than I would’ve thought. I do miss going to an office, seeing my team and peers, and walking the skyways over lunch. Oddly enough, I also miss the commute. While annoying, it gave me focus on thinking through my day and then winding down.

Ian Anderson

Ian Anderson @itwanderson